
Labor force: 1 worker for control room, 1 worker for milling section, 1 worker for cleaning section; 2 workers for packing; other workers for raw wheat and flour conveying aren’t included.

6SFMFQ 150T/24H wheat flour mill machinery


Labor force: 1 worker for control room, 1 worker for milling section, 1 worker for cleaning section; 2 workers for packing; other workers for raw wheat and flour conveying aren’t included.

Control system: PLC and electric cabinet bilateral control to realize the following functions:

a. Automatic display of the instantaneous flow rates of raw wheat, clean wheat, flour, inferior flour and bran;

b. Automatic display of the percentages of raw wheat, clean wheat, flour, inferior flour and bran;

c. Automatic display of the flow rates of raw wheat, clean wheat, flour, inferior flour and bran in a specified period;

d. Check historical flow rates;

e. Malfunction alarm system;

f. Printing function.

In consideration of environment protection requirements, it’s suggested that dry cleaning method which is usually adopted by Europe be used for wheat cleaning process and meanwhile intensive dampener with computer feedback device be used to reach the moisture suitable for milling. The process includes two sievings, two scourings, one de-stoning, two dampenings, three magnetic separatings and multiple air suctions before the clean wheat enters break system. This is to ensure wheat purity. All the equipment is fully enclosed.

In tropical humid areas, 18 hours conditioning time is required for clean wheat before it enters break system; in tropical arid areas, the conditioning time is longer than 18 hours.

This technical process has the following economic and technical index: if it mills one grade, total flour extraction rate is 75%, cumulative ash content is 0.53~0.62%; if it mills two grades, the extraction rate of grade 1 is 45%, its ash content is 0.45~0.55; the extraction rate of grade 2 is 30% and its ash content is 0.65~0.73%. The above mentioned ash content is calculated on dry basis. For normal milling, the power consumption per ton flour is not higher than 65kW•h.

The customer should be responsible for the civil engineering and the groundwork. Water and 3 phase electricity for construction and installation, hoist and fork vehicle for load and unload of the machines, 12-15 installing technicians who can speak frequently English should be prepared by the customer.

We will be responsible for 1 installing engineer, 5 installing technicians and installing tools, installing stuff, tools for welding and cutting which is necessary for the installation of the machine.

The quotation includes whole set of main equipment, accessory equipment, and the cables, wires and pipes belongs to machines. We are responsible for the cables between grade 2 switchboard and machines.


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